Be a Part of History
together for a cause
Month of May
Every single day in our community tens of thousands of mothers have to use (and re-use) diapers because they can't afford to purchase enough diapers to keep their child clean, dry, and healthy. It's a sad fact that one in three families need help to diaper their babies. Diaper banks and organizations from across Ohio, California, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Tennessee, Texas and Washington have joined together to do something about that by collecting 2 Million diapers in one week to help those most in need. Join us as we set out on an historic journey to make life a little easier for moms and their babies in our local communities. Just click on one of the logos below to join your local diaper bank in this amazing effort!
Diaper Banks
together for a cause
World's Largest Diaper Drive